Nelson Mandela inspired people all over the world to stand up for what they believe in. His hope was for everyone to take action and inspire change in order to make the world a better place.
The message behind Mandela Day is that each individual has the ability to change for the better.
Mandela Day was launched in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July, in the year 2009 via unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly and revolves around devoting 67 minutes of your time, to make a small, kind gesture towards your community or a cause.
Shamwari Gives Back
In honour of Mandela Day, Shamwari Game Reserve spent 67 minutes at one of the local day care centres, Khanya Care Centre, in Paterson. Owned and managed by Buyelwa Peggy Mpi, herself and one assistant look after and educate children of the area on a daily basis. And, what started with just 6 children in her care has now grown to 18 kids, with 7 currently living with Buyelwa permanently.
The kids in her care range from 9 months to 10 years old, most of whom come from abusive and broken homes.
We spent our Mandela Day giving back, by showering the children with love and affection and taking part in group activities like creating a family tree for their centre. The canvas was painted and decorated with tiny handprints, dipped in acrylic paint.
Like Madiba, we also believe that education is of fundamental importance. Which is why Shamwari Game Reserve is a regular donor to Buyelwa and the Khanya Care Centre, in time and in resources.
“Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.” – Nelson Mandela