Shamwari Private Game Reserve is home to 25 000 hectares of pristine wilderness where an abundance of wildlife roam. We not only offer our guests 5-star luxury accommodation, we pride ourselves on presenting wildlife interaction that is sure to be the highlight of their stay.

Guests have been witnessing some phenomenal game viewing as of late

We’ve had prolific leopard sightings in both the North and South of the reserve. Thus providing spectacular sightings of this elusive animal for our guests. Leopards occur in a wide range in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia. These adaptable creatures are spectacular hunters and are known to prey on a variety of animals from reptiles to birds, rodents and baboons!

Leopards are portrayed as seldom seen, however they are the most widely distributed African big cat. Ranger Darren Clough had the perfect sighting of this beautiful male leopard on safari.

The Shamwari Safari Experience

Photographed by Ranger Darren Clough

Elephants and baby animals:

We’ve had a few elephant calf births among other animals. It’s been wonderful to see all forms of new life popping up across the reserve. Ranger James Moodie had a fantastic sighting of a parade of elephants walking toward his vehicle whilst on safari. A new-born elephant calf was walking alongside his mom and siblings right in front of the herd. Ranger James and guests watched in awe as this herd walked peacefully past his vehicle. The little ones were interacting whilst the older members were grazing. A picturesque scene of elephants going about their business in the wild.

The Shamwari Safari Experience

Photographed by Ranger James Moodie

Antelope species have been copulating so we should start to see more new-born animals in Spring. Herds of impala, springbok, blesbok, eland, waterbuck, gemsbok, red hartebeest, kudu and a few other fascinating antelope species can be seen while out on safari at Shamwari. Did you know, giraffe calves congregate in nursery groups called creches to rest and socialise while mothers forage in the distance? Next time you find yourself on safari, look out for these creches of youngsters. They’re the absolute cutest! Ranger Jessica Tyrer recently had the privilege of seeing a new-born giraffe, the little one was only a few hours old. What a memorable sighting for Ranger Jessica and her guests to bear witness to its first precious hours of life.

The Shamwari Safari Experience Photographed by Ranger Jessica Tyrer