Ranger Jéan Taute is a senior field guide at Riverdene. Jéan joined Shamwari three years ago and is an avid birder! His friendly demeanour, enthusiasm and positive outlook make Jéan a great member of the team.

Name: Jéan Taute
Title: Game Ranger
Started at Shamwari: April 2016
Hometown: Bloemfontein
Previous roles: I previously worked at Amakhala Game Reserve and Pumba Private Game Reserve.

Ranger Jéan Taute


FGASA Field Guide
Specialist Bird Guide
Trails Guide
Biome Guide
Track & Sign level 3
Trailing level 1


Photography, birding, reading and travelling.


I’m passionate about birding and assisting other field guides in bettering their guiding qualifications.

Favourite part of the job:

Firstly, spending time in nature. However, my favourite part of the job would be taking first time safari goers out on game drive and simply changing their perspective on nature.


“I just wish the world was twice as big and half of it was still unexplored.” – David Attenborough

Favourite animal:

African wood owl

This species of bird made quite an impression on me when I was still a student. I had a pair nesting in a tree outside my room and they fascinated me, keeping me up all hours of the night!

African wood owl

Favourite animal in a sighting:


They are always up to something! I love watching the fascinating interactions between family members especially once you start recognising certain characters.


Most exciting encounter while on game drive:

I was guiding out of Riverdene with my guests that were dying to see a leopard. We had been looking for the leopard for about three days and had almost given up hope. When suddenly, we rounded a corner and there he was! We were fortunate to be the only vehicle around and we managed to spend a good hour and a half in his presence as he sat peacefully.

It is, without a doubt one, of my favourite memories. We could just sit back, relax and enjoy the beauty of him and his surroundings. My guests were so chuffed!
